NameBach. Pedro Longoria y Urdinola
Misc. Notes
Notes from Estela Trigo:
In the Garmendia Leal's book Saltillo Tomo II page 167 and 170 respectively, I found these entries:
Longoria y Ordinola, Pedro, espanol padrino, Feb 1657
Suarez de Longoria, Pedro (Licenciado, presbitero) padrino Jul 1658
Note - The first entry must refer to the Pedro Suarez de Longoria el bachiller sobrino de Isabel de Urdinola. He must be the son of Maria de Urdinola and Pedro Suarez de Longoria and not son of Francisco. Even though he is not mentioned as a child in other records, he must be their son - why then the name "Pedro Longoria y Urdinola"???? Whose child could he have been other than theirs.
The second entry is perplexing because I thought that presbitero meant priest,clergy?????
Are the two above Pedros one and the same????